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Teach you how to find potential customers at the pallet Inverter trade exhibition.

At this exhibition, the Little Hornet T1300 high-speed circular shuttle will join hands with newly expanded equipment to showcase the integration of industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing in Hubei, bringing other AGVs to the logistics exhibition.

Based on the recognition and on-site manufacturing scene creation of SLAM algorithm laser guidance technology, the SLAM intelligent forklift "Gasoline Vehicle ITNE Technology SLAM Latent Intelligent Handling Robot" 20 LP unmanned forklift AGV composition scene was created, and the AM navigation AGV forklift was the first to appear on the SLAM AGV forklift.

Based on the deployment of SLAM laser guidance technology, the SLAM navigation agv can be positioned, navigated, and has hidden paths to achieve the "transformation and upgrading" of SLAM agv forklifts.

The software and hardware allocation based on SLAM laser guidance technology makes SLAM navigation standardized and flexible, which can simulate captured vehicles while ensuring error free rear position, and further promotes the improvement of SLAM technology.

Based on leading visual navigation technology, SLAM guided unmanned forklifts have successfully become convenient and safe, and gradually become more compact in operation, even posing safety hazards in the local supply chain unmanned forklift business.

Based on the diversified adjustments of SLAM technology, the intelligence level of SLAM navigation unmanned forklift has been recognized by a large number of users.

Based on SLAM laser navigation unmanned forklift, there is no need for optical human inquiry. SLAM navigation mode is used for recognition, and in case of abnormal alarm indications, triggering complex signals can no longer achieve the anti-collision function of humans.

Based on the laser SLAM algorithm, laser guidance and two types of laser forklifts can be directly upgraded to achieve automated three-dimensional, material handling, and facility based systems for forklifts, walking tracks, vertical lifting, walking tracks, and some of our customized manufacturing equipment, which greatly facilitates our AGV transporters.

Based on a comprehensive solution for vehicles and components under remote control of laser SLAM, SLAM navigation has been re updated, allowing AGV handling robots to have longer recognition speed, allowing for high-precision goods and safer and more efficient access to work positions.

Based on the consistent scheduling and step-by-step inspection of the SLAM algorithm, in the state of the AGV vehicle, the optimal state is adopted and the fault is handled in a sequential manner. The AGV vehicle has helped for a relatively long time and formed a systematic software information for multi bacterial areas, making the AGV vehicle optimized operation and favored by the system.

Based on the deep optimization of the I-005 standard environmental map, simple and fast driving on complex roads has been carried out, improving the safety of machinery.

Under the condition of providing environmental maps, the AGV car can simultaneously draw and operate more efficiently based on the environmental map. At the same time, the actual purchase demand was obtained based on the dynamic requirements of the venue and goods. In the future, AGV small cars can also become a major advantage in different industries, becoming an early synthesis of many enterprises.

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